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10 Kutipan Romantis Bahasa Inggris Mahmoud Darwish, Bikin Baper!

Mahmoud Darwish adalah penyair terkenal asal Palestina

Ilustrasi Penyair Mahmoud Darwish (poetryinvoice.ca)

Sebentar lagi anniversary pernikahanmu? Atau, pasangan tercintamu akan ulang tahun? Selain kado yang menarik, jangan lupa juga tulis ucapan disertai kutipan romantis agar si dia makin bahagia. 

Ada banyak puisi atau syair dari tokoh terkenal yang bisa kamu pinjam kalimatnya, termasuk milik Mahmoud Darwish, seorang penyair terkenal asal Palestina yang telah wafat pada 2008 silam. Kalimatnya singkat tapi memikat, berikut ini 10 quotes romantis Mahmoud Darwish dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa disontek. Bikin baper!

1. “I wish I were a candle in the darkness.”

ilustrasi pasangan (pexels.com/cottonbro)

2. “The image of love reveals itself there; in a profoundly present absence.”

ilustrasi pasangan (unsplash.com/@priscilladupreez)

3. “May poetry and God’s name have mercy on us!”

ilustrasi pasangan (unsplash.com/@heftiba)

4. "After you nothing goes and nothing returns.”

ilustrasi pasangan (unsplash.com/@matheusferrero)

5. “They asked ‘do you love her to death?’ I said ‘speak of her over my grave and watch how she brings me back to life.’”

ilustrasi pasangan (unsplash.com/@jonathanborba)

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6. “And you became like coffee, in the deliciousness, and the bitterness, and the addiction.”

ilustrasi pasangan (unsplash.com/@neonbrand)

7. “She says: ‘When are we going to meet?’ I say: ‘After the war is over.’ She says: ‘When does the war end?’ I say: ‘When we meet.’”

ilustrasi pasangan (unsplash.com/@jonathanborba)

8. “You are killing me and you are keeping me from dying. That is love.”

ilustrasi pasangan (pexels.com/@pixabay)

9. “On the train we swapped seats, you wanted the window and I wanted to look at you.”

ilustrasi pasangan (unsplash.com/@jonathanborba)

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